
Archive for the ‘Discussion Leader’ Category

DL Reflection

July 22, 2011 1 comment

My experience as a reflection leader could have been better. It took me quite awhile to figure out which article to use because the topic of Personal Learning Networks can be referenced to almost anything involving learning via networks. After finding a pretty detailed article about the theory of Connectivism, I thought it’d be a great subject to use as my Discussion Leader post. I thought it was interesting because aside from the traditional sit-down classroom learning, a person can learn from networking online. From experience, a person can leader a lot. It’s interesting that Tweeters using Twitter can constantly tweet new information to others. That information gets spread worldwide and soon, everyone will learn something new.

On that Wednesday morning when we had to present our posts, I was really nervous because I wasn’t as prepared as I would like to be. I thought my presentation was boring because my audience didn’t look to interested in my topic. Sure, they thought it was neat that people can openly learn from networking compared to sitting down in a classroom, but they didn’t seem to absorbed into the discussion. I was part of the blame because I could have been more prepared. Either that or I could have found something more interesting for my post. Well, the discussion has been there and I’m relieved. It was nerve-wrecking.

Categories: Discussion Leader

Connectivism: A New Way to Learn

July 20, 2011 Leave a comment

According to theorist, George Siemens:

“The domain of learning is significantly hampered by progressive revisions of what it means to learn, to know, and to understand. A subset of connectivism, network forming, is presented as an accurate model for addressing how people learn. The test of any theory is the degree to which it solves problems and incongruities within a domain. The shortcomings of behaviorist, cognitivist, and constructivist ideologies of learning are answered in light of learning as a connection-forming (network-creation) process.”

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Categories: Discussion Leader